Web Server Statistics for University of Oslo

Program started at Fri-08-Mar-2002 14:44.
Analysed requests from Mon-02-Jul-2001 18:49 to Fri-20-Jul-2001 18:24 (18.0 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Summary)

Successful requests: 138
Average successful requests per day: 7
Successful requests for pages: 49
Average successful requests for pages per day: 2
Failed requests: 32
Redirected requests: 2
Distinct files requested: 64
Distinct hosts served: 2
Data transferred: 946.701 kbytes
Average data transferred per day: 52.645 kbytes

Daily Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Summary)

Each unit (+) represents 2 requests for pages, or part thereof.

     date: reqs: pages: 
---------: ----: -----: 
 2/Jul/01:    3:     0: 
 3/Jul/01:    0:     0: 
 4/Jul/01:    0:     0: 
 5/Jul/01:    0:     0: 
 6/Jul/01:    0:     0: 
 7/Jul/01:    0:     0: 

 8/Jul/01:    0:     0: 
 9/Jul/01:    0:     0: 
10/Jul/01:    0:     0: 
11/Jul/01:    0:     0: 
12/Jul/01:    0:     0: 
13/Jul/01:    0:     0: 
14/Jul/01:    0:     0: 

15/Jul/01:    0:     0: 
16/Jul/01:    0:     0: 
17/Jul/01:    0:     0: 
18/Jul/01:    0:     0: 
19/Jul/01:    0:     0: 
20/Jul/01:  135:    49: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Busiest day: 20/Jul/01 (49 requests for pages).

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Summary)

Each unit (+) represents 2 requests for pages, or part thereof.

day: reqs: pages: 
---: ----: -----: 
Sun:    0:     0: 
Mon:    3:     0: 
Tue:    0:     0: 
Wed:    0:     0: 
Thu:    0:     0: 
Fri:  135:    49: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
Sat:    0:     0: 

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Summary)

Each unit (+) represents 1 request for a page.

hr: reqs: pages: 
--: ----: -----: 
 0:    0:     0: 
 1:    0:     0: 
 2:    0:     0: 
 3:    0:     0: 
 4:    0:     0: 
 5:    0:     0: 
 6:    0:     0: 
 7:    0:     0: 
 8:    0:     0: 
 9:    0:     0: 
10:   27:    18: ++++++++++++++++++
11:   62:     9: +++++++++
12:   32:    16: ++++++++++++++++
13:    0:     0: 
14:    0:     0: 
15:    0:     0: 
16:    0:     0: 
17:    0:     0: 
18:   17:     6: ++++++
19:    0:     0: 
20:    0:     0: 
21:    0:     0: 
22:    0:     0: 
23:    0:     0: 

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Summary)

Listing domains, sorted by the number of requests for pages.

reqs:  %reqs:  kbytes: %bytes: pages: %pages: domain
----: ------: -------: ------: -----: ------: ------
 138:   100%: 946.701:   100%:    49:   100%: .no (Norway)
 121: 87.68%: 919.197: 97.09%:    43: 87.76%:   uio.no

Organisation Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Summary)

Listing organisations, sorted by the number of requests for pages.

reqs:  %reqs:  kbytes: %bytes: pages: %pages: organisation
----: ------: -------: ------: -----: ------: ------------
 121: 87.68%: 919.197: 97.09%:    43: 87.76%: uio.no
  17: 12.32%:  27.503:  2.91%:     6: 12.24%: chello.no

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Summary)

Listing directories, sorted by the number of requests for pages.

reqs:  %reqs:  kbytes: %bytes: pages: %pages: directory
----: ------: -------: ------: -----: ------: ---------
  52: 37.68%: 852.414: 90.04%:    49:   100%: /litteratur/
  52: 37.68%: 852.414: 90.04%:    49:   100%:   /litteratur/ibsen/
  52: 37.68%: 852.414: 90.04%:    49:   100%:     /litteratur/ibsen/ms/
  18: 13.04%:   1.415:  0.15%:    18: 36.73%:       /litteratur/ibsen/ms/brev/
  18: 13.04%:  13.051:  1.38%:     0:       : /visuell-profil/
  10:  7.25%:   6.266:  0.66%:     0:       :   /visuell-profil/grafikk/
  10:  7.25%:   6.266:  0.66%:     0:       :     /visuell-profil/grafikk/om_uio/
   8:  5.80%:   6.785:  0.72%:     0:       :   /visuell-profil/css/
  68: 49.28%:  81.235:  8.58%:     0:       : /perl/
  68: 49.28%:  81.235:  8.58%:     0:       :   /perl/litteratur/

File Type Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Summary)

Listing extensions, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs:  %reqs:  kbytes: %bytes: %pages: extension
----: ------: -------: ------: ------: ---------
  68: 49.28%:  81.235:  8.58%:       : .pl
  38: 27.54%:  52.979:  5.60%: 77.55%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language]
  10:  7.25%:   6.266:  0.66%:       : .gif  [GIF graphics]
   8:  5.80%:   6.785:  0.72%:       : .css
   8:  5.80%:   1.195:  0.13%: 16.33%: .htm  [Hypertext Markup Language]
   3:  2.17%:  19.664:  2.08%:  6.12%: [directories]
   2:  1.45%: 490.386: 51.80%:       : .pdf  [Adobe Portable Document Format]
   1:  0.72%: 288.188: 30.44%:       : .ps   [PostScript]

File Size Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Summary)

       size: reqs:  %reqs:  kbytes: %bytes: pages: %pages: 
-----------: ----: ------: -------: ------: -----: ------: 
          0:   35: 25.36%:   0.000:       :    26: 53.06%: 
   1b-  10b:    0:       :   0.000:       :     0:       : 
  11b- 100b:    3:  2.17%:   0.219:  0.02%:     3:  6.12%: 
 101b-  1kb:   53: 38.41%:  36.916:  3.90%:     6: 12.24%: 
  1kb- 10kb:   44: 31.88%: 130.990: 13.84%:    14: 28.57%: 
 10kb-100kb:    0:       :   0.000:       :     0:       : 
100kb-  1Mb:    3:  2.17%: 778.575: 82.24%:     0:       : 

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Summary)

Listing files, sorted by the number of requests.

reqs:  %reqs:  kbytes: %bytes: %pages: file
----: ------: -------: ------: ------: ----
  29: 21.01%:  41.136:  4.35%:       : /perl/litteratur/ibsenmanus.pl
  14: 10.14%:  10.100:  1.07%:       : /perl/litteratur/ibsenvisfaks.pl
  13:  9.42%:  10.185:  1.08%:       : /perl/litteratur/ibsentopptekst.pl
  10:  7.25%:   7.578:  0.80%:       :   /perl/litteratur/ibsentopptekst.pl?navn=Gildet+paa+Solhoug&ms=Teatersamlingen,+Bergen+museum+N.+T.+348&foto=
  12:  8.70%:  19.812:  2.09%:       : /perl/litteratur/ibsenvisside.pl
  10:  7.25%:   0.219:  0.02%: 20.41%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/brev/tom.html
   8:  5.80%:  10.782:  1.14%: 16.33%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/listskuesp.html
   8:  5.80%:   6.785:  0.72%:       : /visuell-profil/css/uio.css
   8:  5.80%:   0.824:  0.09%: 16.33%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/skuesp.html
   8:  5.80%:   1.195:  0.13%: 16.33%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/brev/topptekst.htm
   5:  3.62%:   4.933:  0.52%:       : /visuell-profil/grafikk/om_uio/logotopp_blaa3.gif
   5:  3.62%:   1.333:  0.14%:       : /visuell-profil/grafikk/om_uio/logobunn_hvit3.gif
   3:  2.17%:  19.664:  2.08%:  6.12%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/
   2:  1.45%:  16.265:  1.72%:  4.08%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/listvaria.html
   2:  1.45%:  17.288:  1.83%:  4.08%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/listdikt.html
   2:  1.45%:   0.411:  0.04%:  4.08%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/varia.html
   2:  1.45%: 490.386: 51.80%:       : /litteratur/ibsen/ms/rapport.pdf
   2:  1.45%:   0.410:  0.04%:  4.08%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/dikt.html
   2:  1.45%:   3.703:  0.39%:  4.08%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/ms.html
   1:  0.72%:   1.471:  0.16%:  2.04%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/indexe.html
   1:  0.72%:   1.603:  0.17%:  2.04%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/iid-postr.html
   1:  0.72%: 288.188: 30.44%:       : /litteratur/ibsen/ms/rapport.ps

Failure Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Summary)

Listing files, sorted by the number of failed requests.

reqs:  %reqs: file
----: ------: ----
   4: 12.50%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/drama/gildet/tmusberg/rolle/andgjest/800pix/tgih3001.jpg
   3:  9.38%: /
   2:  6.25%: /fcgi-bin/litteratur/ibsenmanus.cgi
   2:  6.25%: /perl/litteratur/ibsenmanus.pl
   2:  6.25%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/brev/tom.html
   2:  6.25%: /perl/litteratur/ibsenmanus.cgi
   2:  6.25%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/brev/topptekst.htm
   1:  3.13%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/drama/gildet/tmusberg/rolle/andgjest/800pix/tgih3008.jpg
   1:  3.13%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/drama/gildet/tmusberg/rolle/andgjest/800pix/tgih3007.jpg
   1:  3.13%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/drama/gildet/tmusberg/rolle/andgjest/800pix/tgih3006.jpg
   1:  3.13%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/drama/gildet/tmusberg/rolle/andgjest/800pix/tgih3005.jpg
   1:  3.13%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/drama/gildet/tmusberg/rolle/andgjest/800pix/tgih3004.jpg
   1:  3.13%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/drama/gildet/tmusberg/rolle/andgjest/800pix/tgih3003.jpg
   1:  3.13%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/drama/gildet/tmusberg/rolle/andgjest/800pix/tgih3002.jpg
   1:  3.13%: /perl/litteratur/ibsenvisside.pl
   1:  3.13%: /fcgi-bin/litteratur/ibsentopptekst.cgi
   1:  3.13%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/dikt/saml/nbo1110a/800pix/ndi200a.jpg
   1:  3.13%: /perl/litteratur/ibsenvisfaks.cgi
   1:  3.13%: /perl/litteratur/ibsenvisside.cgi
   1:  3.13%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/brev/eiere/nbo/800pix/b9600401.jpg
   1:  3.13%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/rapport.pdf
   1:  3.13%: /litteratur/ibsen/ms/drama/brand/kbkbh/kladd/800pix/kbbrk001.jpg

Referrer Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Summary)

Listing referring URLs, sorted by the number of requests for pages.

reqs:  %reqs:  kbytes: %bytes: pages: %pages: URL
----: ------: -------: ------: -----: ------: ---
  39: 30.23%:  43.178:  7.59%:    39: 82.98%: http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/litteratur/ibsen/ms/ms.html
   3:  2.33%:   4.217:  0.74%:     3:  6.38%: http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/litteratur/ibsen/ms/skuesp.html
   2:  1.55%:   3.703:  0.65%:     2:  4.26%: http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/litteratur/ibsen/ms/
   4:  3.10%: 419.263: 73.69%:     2:  4.26%: http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/litteratur/ibsen/ms/index.html
   1:  0.78%:   6.554:  1.15%:     1:  2.13%: http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsentopptekst.pl
   1:  0.78%:   6.554:  1.15%:     1:  2.13%:   http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsentopptekst.pl?navn=Gildet+paa+Solhoug&ms=Teatersamlingen,+Bergen+museum+N.+T.+348&foto=
  21: 16.28%:  21.648:  3.81%:     0:       : http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenvisside.pl
   3:  2.33%:   3.124:  0.55%:     0:       :   http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenvisside.pl?stykke=Gildet+paa+Solhoug&path=/litteratur/ibsen/ms/drama/gildet/tmusberg/rolle/andgjest&fil=tgih3&sider=1-8&side=5&siffer=3&ms=Teatersamlingen,+Bergen+museum+N.+T.+348&foto=
   3:  2.33%:   3.124:  0.55%:     0:       :   http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenvisside.pl?stykke=Gildet+paa+Solhoug&path=/litteratur/ibsen/ms/drama/gildet/tmusberg/rolle/andgjest&fil=tgih3&sider=1-8&side=4&siffer=3&ms=Teatersamlingen,+Bergen+museum+N.+T.+348&foto=
   3:  2.33%:   3.124:  0.55%:     0:       :   http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenvisside.pl?stykke=Gildet+paa+Solhoug&path=/litteratur/ibsen/ms/drama/gildet/tmusberg/rolle/andgjest&fil=tgih3&sider=1-8&side=3&siffer=3&ms=Teatersamlingen,+Bergen+museum+N.+T.+348&foto=
   3:  2.33%:   3.124:  0.55%:     0:       :   http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenvisside.pl?stykke=Gildet+paa+Solhoug&path=/litteratur/ibsen/ms/drama/gildet/tmusberg/rolle/andgjest&fil=tgih3&sider=1-8&side=2&siffer=3&ms=Teatersamlingen,+Bergen+museum+N.+T.+348&foto=
   3:  2.33%:   3.124:  0.55%:     0:       :   http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenvisside.pl?stykke=Gildet+paa+Solhoug&path=/litteratur/ibsen/ms/drama/gildet/tmusberg/rolle/andgjest&fil=tgih3&sider=1-8&side=1&siffer=3&ms=Teatersamlingen,+Bergen+museum+N.+T.+348&foto=
   3:  2.33%:   3.124:  0.55%:     0:       :   http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenvisside.pl?stykke=Gildet+paa+Solhoug&path=/litteratur/ibsen/ms/drama/gildet/tmusberg/rolle/andgjest&fil=tgih3&sider=1-8&side=0&siffer=3&ms=Teatersamlingen,+Bergen+museum+N.+T.+348&foto=
   3:  2.33%:   2.904:  0.51%:     0:       :   http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenvisside.pl?stykke=Gildet+paa+Solhoug&path=/litteratur/ibsen/ms/drama/gildet/tmusberg/rolle/andgjest&fil=tgih3&sider=1-8&side=6&siffer=3&ms=Teatersamlingen,+Bergen+museum+N.+T.+348&foto=
   2:  1.55%:   2.812:  0.49%:     0:       : http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenvisfaks.pl
   2:  1.55%:   2.812:  0.49%:     0:       :   http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenvisfaks.pl?stykke=Brand&path=/ibsen/drama/brand/kbkbh/kladd&fil=kbbrk&sider=1-285&siffer=3&side=0&ms=Det+Kongelige+Bibliotek+Collin+262,+4?,+I.1&foto=Foto:+Det+Kongelige+Biblioteks+Fotoatelier.+Kommersiell+bruk+kun+etter+avtale+med+biblioteket.
   2:  1.55%:   0.000:       :     0:       : http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/fcgi-bin/litteratur/ibsenmanus.cgi
   2:  1.55%:   0.000:       :     0:       :   http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/fcgi-bin/litteratur/ibsenmanus.cgi?type=liste&form=dikt&tittel=Jakob
   2:  1.55%:   0.000:       :     0:       : http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/litteratur/ibsen/ms/brev/topptekst.htm
  29: 22.48%:  25.698:  4.52%:     0:       : http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenmanus.pl
   1:  0.78%:   0.826:  0.15%:     0:       :   http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenmanus.pl?type=info&id=s78
   5:  3.88%:   3.881:  0.68%:     0:       :   http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenmanus.pl?type=liste&form=skuesp&tittel=Brand_Den+episke
   3:  2.33%:   3.845:  0.68%:     0:       :   http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenmanus.pl?type=info&id=ds2
   3:  2.33%:   3.025:  0.53%:     0:       :   http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenmanus.pl?type=info&id=v83
   1:  0.78%:   0.682:  0.12%:     0:       :   http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenmanus.pl?type=liste&form=skuesp&tittel=Gildet
   1:  0.78%:   0.729:  0.13%:     0:       :   http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenmanus.pl?type=liste&form=varia&tittel=[Et+dementi.]
   1:  0.78%:   0.767:  0.13%:     0:       :   http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenmanus.pl?type=liste&form=dikt&tittel=Jakob
   9:  6.98%:   7.940:  1.40%:     0:       :   http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenmanus.pl?type=info&id=s37
   3:  2.33%:   2.316:  0.41%:     0:       :   http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenmanus.pl?type=liste&form=skuesp&tittel=Catilina
   2:  1.55%:   1.682:  0.30%:     0:       :   http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenmanus.pl?type=liste&form=skuesp&tittel=Fru+Inger
   1:  0.78%:   0.547:  0.10%:     0:       : http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/litteratur/ibsen/ms/listvaria.html
   5:  3.88%:   6.439:  1.13%:     0:       : http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/
   2:  1.55%:   2.127:  0.37%:     0:       : http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/litteratur/ibsen/ms/brev/tom.html
   3:  2.33%:   4.350:  0.76%:     0:       : http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/litteratur/ibsen/ms/drama/brand/kbkbh/kladd/800pix/kbbrk001.jpg
   1:  0.78%:   0.547:  0.10%:     0:       : http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/litteratur/ibsen/ms/listdikt.html
  12:  9.30%:  27.852:  4.90%:     0:       : http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/litteratur/ibsen/ms/listskuesp.html

Referring Site Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Summary)

Listing referring sites, sorted by the number of requests for pages.

reqs:  %reqs:  kbytes: %bytes: pages: %pages: site
----: ------: -------: ------: -----: ------: ----
 129:   100%: 568.943:   100%:    47:   100%: http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/

Failed Referrer Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Summary)

Listing referring URLs, sorted by the number of failed requests.

reqs:  %reqs: URL
----: ------: ---
  11: 37.93%: http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenmanus.pl
   8: 27.59%: http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenvisside.pl
   4: 13.79%: http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/litteratur/ibsen/ms/ms.html
   2:  6.90%: http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/litteratur/ibsen/ms/listdikt.html
   2:  6.90%: http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/litteratur/ibsen/ms/listskuesp.html
   1:  3.45%: http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/perl/litteratur/ibsenvisfaks.pl
   1:  3.45%: http://www.dokpro-test.uio.no/litteratur/ibsen/ms/index.html

Browser Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Summary)

Listing browsers, sorted by the number of requests for pages.

reqs:  %reqs:  kbytes: %bytes: pages: %pages: browser
----: ------: -------: ------: -----: ------: -------
 121: 87.68%: 919.197: 97.09%:    43: 87.76%: Netscape
  17: 12.32%:  27.503:  2.91%:     6: 12.24%: Opera

This analysis was produced by analog4.0/Unix.
Running time: Less than 1 second.

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Referring Site Report: Failed Referrer Report: Browser Summary)

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